Entreprenör Limited
One-Stop Solution - a complete service from company establishment (subsidiary and others) to a virtual presence. Full back-office administration: book-keeping, payroll, HR (incl sponsorship licences), legal compliance, data protection consultancy, virtual PA support, nominee directorships, bank opening, Recruitment, including executive search and selection, and Sales training.
All delivered through a single dedicated controller, supported by technology and Cloud solutions, ensuring you can have full oversight and control, wherever you are.
- Established 2017
- Privately held company
- 1-10 employees
- www.entreprenor.uk
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Country Focus
Sector Focus
Case Studies, Studies, Publications, Certificates
- Certificate Chartered Institute (2009)
References, Recommendation Letters
- Reference UK establishment (2020), Client: Please refer to our website, Sweden
- ICSA, United Kingdom
- Danish-UK Association, United Kingdom
- Swedish Chamber of Commerce, Sweden
- South Africa Chamber of Commerce, United Kingdom
- Finnish UK Chamber of Commerce, Finland