EasyLink Business Services
EasyLink Business Services is a strategic market research and international trade consultancy in Central & Eastern Europe. EasyLink provides professional services to companies seeking sales, market-entry, investment or sourcing opportunities, commercial intelligence and/or business partners/customers in Central & Eastern Europe and beyond. EasyLink's key expertise and services in market research include strategic market research, search and qualification of business partners and business visits and trade missions. Established in 1997, private owned and managed by Filip Korinek, EasyLink currently covers 15 markets in Central & Eastern Europe, with a team of 25+ local in-market consultants.
- Established 1997
- Privately held company
- 11-50 Mitarbeiter
Country Focus
References, Recommendation Letters
- Empfehlungsschreiben Microsoft business development - Central and Eastern Europe (2021), Client: Microsoft, Ireland
- Empfehlungsschreiben Analysis of 4 CEE markets - potential partners or subsidiary (2018), Client: Digiteq Automotive (Volkswagen Group), Czech Republic
- Empfehlungsschreiben Cooperation between Chamber of Commerce and Hong Kong TDC (2015), Client: Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic
- Empfehlungsschreiben Authorized Trade Representative of Pennsylvania in CEE (2015), Client: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA, United States of America