Nordic Industries Development Oy
Nordic Industries Development Oy is an operational and industry specific physical B2B sales channel development consulting company.
Our unparalleled strength is getting involved in execution and having the deep operational knowledge of the industries and the countries’ business cultures.
We help sales management to improve processes and collaborate better with their dealers and sales partner networks. Based on channel partner audits, pertinent data and market information we maximize channel efficiencies.
With over 25 years of expertise, we have developed radically different approach to market and sales channel development – ACTIONABLES and MEASURABILITY of actions, based on clearly defined processes supported by IT.
To complement our services of sales channels development and management, we have developed a software, The Rudolf, to understand what really happens inside the channels and to obtain “insights” and market understanding from the channel and end users, in real time.
But, the most important was to create an ecosystem neutral tool for our clients to enable them to collaborate better with their channel partners.
- Established 1994
- Privately held company
- 1-10 Mitarbeiter
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