Japan Consulting Office - Switzerland Desk
Japan Consulting Office (JCO) specializes in improving efficiency in the workplace and communications between Japanese and non-Japanese colleagues. We do this through a range of public courses and in-house training programs addressing culture, leadership and management and other specialized programs such as post-merger and acquisition integration. We support you globally via our offices in Europe, Asia and the United States.
Since 2006, our work has been recognized by our many clients, from large multinationals to SMEs. Our practical and interactive training approach has earned us supplier awards, including the “highest appreciated training institute.”
We have a unique approach that combines industry experience with cultural experience :
* We offer our seminars and online webinars in many languages: all colleagues can participate fully;
* We are business people training business people, which means your trainer knows the subject from personal experience of business cultures, as a business person, not just as a trainer;
* We use our experience and realistic cases drawn from the real world of business across cultures: you can trust us to connect the training to the reality of everyday work;
* We are specialized on the Japanese business culture: you will get the depth that comes with specialization.
- Established 2006
- Business partnership
- 11-50 Mitarbeiter
- www.JapanConsultingOffice.com
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