EXPANDYS is a consultancy company specialized in International Business. With more than 10 years experience, our team of experts are dedicated to helping you at every step of your international projects. Our base is in London, the ideal location to expand your business in the UK or to run any European operations. We help our clients in International Business Development & Promotion of international events. We provide assistance to SMEs / Exporters, Exhibition organisers & Institutionals and Government bodies. We support business development of our clients with a national team of consultants who have international business expertise, strong local knowledge and experience and a worldwide network of consultants specialising in business development in more than 60 countries.
- Established 2010
- Privately held company
- 1-10 Mitarbeiter
- www.expandys.com
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- Official UK & Ireland office for FIRA BARCELONA, Spain
- Official Partner of Brittany’s International Development Agency, France
- Official Partner of Maroc Export & AMITH, Morocco
- Partner of numerous chambers of commerce (Worldwide), United Kingdom
- Member of OSCI "Opérateurs Spécialisés du Commerce International" (France), France