AIRP Management Solutions Ltd.
The fundamentals of AIRP Management Solutions Ltd. are to design and implement tailor-made solutions with and for our global client base. Whether targeted to provide customers with a better understanding of Asian market dynamics or to actively develop strategies and driving sales, marketing and business integration activities, AIRP Management Solutions Ltd. is your Asia partner of choice to establish your presence, and to substantially drive your success in Asia.
- Established 2009
- Privately held company
- 1-10 Mitarbeiter
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Country Focus
Sector Focus
Case Studies, Studies, Publications, Certificates
- Publikation Sourcing in SEAsia via Singapore (2015)
- Fallbeispiel Strategy Asia & China (Rev) (2014)
- Fallbeispiel Strategy China (2013)
- Fallbeispiel Corporate Strategy Asia & Pacific (2012)
- Fallbeispiel Strategy Asia & China (2012)
References, Recommendation Letters
- Referenz Strategy Asia & China (2015), Client: SINGLE Temperiertechnik GmbH, Germany
- Referenz Expansion to Asia (2012), Client: Cabair Int'l., United Kingdom